Genius PRP

Consistent High Platelet Output With
A Quick, Reproducible Process

A Revolutionary Design For Quick and Consistent Results

The Genius PRP System is designed to be used for the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from a small sample of blood at the patient’s point of care. The PRP is mixed with autograft and/or allograft bone prior to application to a bony defect for improving handling characteristics.

Processing Time

17 Minutes per patient

Platelet Recovery

90% recovery rate


3.2% Coefficient of Variance-Consistent Output for Consistent Results

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Most PRP systems are based upon a Ficoll density centrifuge system for
concentrating platelets and associated growth factors found in whole blood.
Years of evolutionary improvements in designs have led to systems with significant differences in process and output. Manufacturers of commercially available systems have made modifications to their devices and procedures, and some have added a ‘two-spin’ capability in order to achieve incremental gains in their output results.
These changes often created a more complex procedure that may affect the consistency of the output. Designing the Genius Concentration System required taking a ‘step back’ in order to leap forward.

Grow Your Practice With Genius PRP